Dad Follows Wife’s Instructions Word For Word And The Results Are Hilarious!

Dad Follows Wife’s Instructions Word For Word And The Results Are Hilarious!
Who doesn’t love a good dad story? One that leaves you shaking your head. One that is so funny you can’t stay mad for long. Ashlie William’s partner followed her instructions so precisely when it came to putting their daughter to bed that the end result was hilarious and super cute at the same time.
Cade was driving home with his 2-year-old daughter London when the little girl fell asleep in the car. Mum Ashlie Nicole Williams was doing dishes when her partner arrived home. He came inside and told her their daughter was fast asleep in the car. “He told me she was asleep so I told him to just put her in the bed and I’d wake her up and bathe her later,” she said.
So Cade said OK and did what he was told. EXACTLY what he was told. When mum Ashlee finished the dishes she went to check on her daughter.
She found their daughter in bed alright. Except she was still in her car seat! Sleeping soundly with a blanket thrown over her for good measure. Cade’s a good daddy, so he followed her instructions — exactly.
“I literally walked out of the room to laugh because I didn’t want to wake her up,” she said. “I turned the light out and left her there.”
She asked Cade what happened. “Really, dude?” He just stared at her blankly. “I couldn’t be mad because he did EXACTLY what I asked,” she said.
Sharing the story on twitter, the image prompted other parents to send in photos of their sleeping babies in car seats too. Who even knew this was a thing?!
Images: Twitter