FFS: Transgender Parents in Canada have Declared their Baby an Unspecified Gender

FFS: Transgender Parents in Canada have Declared their Baby an Unspecified Gender
Transgender parents in Canada have made the decision to put “Gender Unspecified” on their newborn baby’s birth certificate. This is not a baby born with non-specific genitalia or a hermaphrodite. The parents say that the child should choose its’ own gender when it’s mature enough.
I believe these parents are simply pushing their own agenda onto this poor child.
I agree that of course a child can choose its’ own gender if need be, later in life and God knows they would have enough support from their own non-gender specific parents but to confuse a child from birth is beyond ridiculous.
Children need love, guidance, protection and a place to feel safe from their parents. How confused is this child going to be when they haven’t been told whether they are a boy or a girl? Unless this family lives in complete isolation this child is going to have what is society’s norm thrown into their face at every turn from everywhere.
OK, maybe they will naturally gravitate towards picking pink dresses from Target or cars and bulldozers from Toys ‘R Us but what happens when they get to school? Do they wear a boy’s uniform or a girl’s uniform? What toilet do they go into? What sort of teasing and bullying are they going to cop from the other kids?
Does ‘it’ have a gender neutral name? Probably. Do they refer to this child as it instead of he or she?
Don’t kids have enough to deal with growing up without adding to the confusion? Why can’t they allow the child to be whatever sex they were born as? What are these parents going to tell the child when they ask about their genitalia? Girls have vaginas. Boys have penises. Are they going to lie?
But hey – why don’t we just start letting our children decide whether or not they’re human neutral? Maybe they will identify as a cat. Or a BBQ.
Since when is just being “normal” no longer considered acceptable? Where being told you are a female or a male is somehow going to permanently damage children?
Stop this world. I want to get off.