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Lifestyle Blogger Says She Has Received Death Threats After Posting This Photo on Social Media

Lifestyle Blogger Says She Has Received Death Threats After Posting This Photo on Social Media

It is well known that a lot of the images we see on social media aren’t really real. We’re not talking about the things our friends and family share, although their images are no doubt artfully composed so that the pile of washing on the back of the lounge is not in the frame!

No, we are referring to all the carefully staged lifestyle and influencer images with beautiful people holding beautiful products claiming that this is genuinely how they live their beautiful lives.

People are starting to call bullshit on these “I woke up like this” product endorsement posts, going so far as to send death threats to one blogger in particular, whose latest snap stirred up a bit of drama over how fake it all looked.

Scarlett London, 24, has spoken about the abuse and death threats she’s received after posting a photo on her account.

The London lifestyle blogger shared a photo of herself sitting on a bed in a paid post for dental hygiene company Listerine. Captioning the picture, she wrote: “The best of days with a smile and positive thoughts. And pancakes. And strawberries. And bottomless tea.”

Unfortunately for Scarlett, her image was shared on Twitter, with the poster drawing plenty of viral attention to the fakeness of her Instagram post:

This prompted many people to play “spot what’s fake” and there is quite a large list — tortillas being passed off as pancakes, picture frames resting on the bed head, and the empty cup of tea she is holding, to name just a few.

The fact that she has a blanket with her own face on it was not missed, either.

Following the huge backlash, Scarlett posted saying: “In the last 48 hours, grown men & women, MPs, women’s equality representatives, journalists, actresses and broadcasters have discovered my Instagram feed and decided to pick it apart online, in front of thousands.

“I implore those mindlessly sharing this content to research who I am as a person, before they further drag my name and image through the mud. Yes, I do adverts on here, but only with brands I genuinely use and would spend money on myself. My feed isn’t a place of reality.”

While it is a very good thing to remain open-minded while scrolling through Instagram seeing these perfect lifestyles shots for what they are — completely staged —  it is never okay to bully and threaten violence to the bloggers and influencers that post them.

No one deserves that, ever. Scarlett recognises the damage that can come from unrealistic expectations of her lifestyle but stands behind her work.

“I personally don’t think my content is harmful to young girls, but I do agree Instagram can present a false expectation for people to live up to. And I am wholeheartedly sorry if I’ve ever made anyone feel inadequate through my content. My life mission is quite the opposite.

“I am a strong 24-year-old woman who has experienced bullying in the past. I am and will be okay after this hideous experience. But another young girl or guy as the subject of a targeted hate campaign might not be okay. Please remember at the centre of every viral storm is a human being.”


Source: Instagram/Scarlett London

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!