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Man Accuses His Wife of Not Supporting His Sobriety Because She Had a Glass of Wine While Out With Friends

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Man Accuses His Wife of Not Supporting His Sobriety Because She Had a Glass of Wine While Out With Friends

A man has freaked out and yelled at his wife for being pictured on social media with a glass of wine in her hand, accusing her of being unsupportive of his sobriety.

The incensed recovering alcoholic ranted about the audacity of his wife having a cheeky vino on Reddit, where he questioned her commitment to their marriage vows.

“My wife went out with her friends this weekend and I found out from her friend’s Instagram post that she had been drinking,” he writes.

“She held a glass of wine in the photo, but she didn’t appear drunk when she got home. I saw the post today, and I’m going to be honest, I freaked out. She has been so helpful and supportive during my recovery, and I can’t believe she would do this to me.

“I confronted her as soon as I saw it, and she told me that because she wasn’t drinking around me, it wasn’t an issue.”

Makes sense, right? His alcohol addiction wasn’t hers to recover from. Surely she was still allowed to have an occasional wine when he’s not around?

Apparently not.

“I told her that when we got married, we promised to support each other through everything and this wasn’t being supportive and a direct violation of our vows.”

“She told me to get over myself and I lost it and told her that she was a bad wife and that she wasn’t committed to us and our relationship,” he raged.

He explained that they were in their mid-to-late twenties and that they’d been together for four years and married for one. Factor in that he has been sober for 12 months and we can see that this poor woman has put up with a lot of his shit in the past.

“I told her that if she was pregnant, I wouldn’t eat all of the food she couldn’t eat to be supportive and she told me that she wouldn’t expect that from me so I can’t expect her to be sober and that I was being an asshole.”

The furious husband then called his support group and went to stay with his recovery leader.

It’s not as though she cracked a coldie in front of him. That wouldn’t be very supportive of her.

As far as we can tell, this poor woman didn’t do anything wrong. She didn’t even post the pic to her own socials, it came up on a friend’s feed!

Maybe she should throw a huge boozy party after she’s divorced the controlling arsehat.

What do you think? Do you agree? Or was it disrespectful on her part?


Source: Reddit and Giphy

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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