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Mum’s Petty Plan To Get Back at Her Daughter on Her Wedding Day Backfires Spectacularly

Mum’s Petty Plan To Get Back at Her Daughter on Her Wedding Day Backfires Spectacularly

Some people just never seem to grow up. Despite being fully grown adults, their behaviour can reflect that of a small child when they don’t get their way. This is definitely the case of this mother of the bride who refused to dress up nicely for her daughter’s wedding due to a petty grudge she had been holding for seven whole years.

Claiming that she was perfectly justified to be a fully-fledged Petty Crocker, the woman’s resentment of her daughter began when she was a teenager. At 17, her child deigned to wear jeans and a t-shirt out for her mother’s birthday dinner at a restaurant instead of “dressing up”. And thus began this whole ridiculous tale of why a grown-arse woman wore jeans and a blouse to her daughter’s wedding.

The 52-year-old woman in question seemed to think she was fully in the right for attempting to punish her newly married daughter in this way, posting to Reddit to share her tale of revenge that didn’t work out exactly as she had planned.

“My daughter (24F) has always been a sloppy dresser,” she wrote. “I have always found her constant failure to dress nicely for us selfish, yet she refuses to see it as we do and does not see the issue with her behaviour.”

Has this woman never met a teenager before?

She went on to complain that after wearing jeans and a tee to her oh-so spesh dinner, her daughter wore a skirt and jumper to meet her boyfriend.

“I was upset that she’d extend this courtesy to her boyfriend but not me,” she grumbled. “I had told her off for it before she left but she was confused and did not see how selfish she had been.”

This overly self-centred woman held this bitterness about her daughter’s preferred outfit at her birthday dinner for seven years until she plotted her revenge.

“Last week, she married the same boy and I had decided to let her see what it felt like to be seen as less of a priority on an occasion that is important to her, so without telling her I arrived at her wedding in jeans and a blouse instead of my prepared outfit.”

Yeah, that’ll learn her!! Or not…

“However, at the wedding I was shocked to see that my daughter did not seem to take issue with this. She did not comment on my attire once throughout the day and has still been in the same level of contact with me yet has not mentioned or seemed to have cared.”

“My husband, however, is angry at me, as he had tried to discourage me from swapping my outfit to a casual one and now is telling me that I had embarrassed him with my attire and that as mother of the bride I should have been more considerate of how it made him look to stand next to me. I, however, thought he had agreed with me that our daughter’s behaviour was selfish and that this is nothing compared to the years of her refusing to put in the effort to dress nicely for us.”

This is fantastic.

Not only did her daughter not notice or care what her mother was wearing, but now there will always be plenty of photos as evidence of how ridiculous her mother is for all eternity.

Serves her right.

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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