Parents Share the Creepiest Things Their Children Have Told Them and We May Never Sleep Again

Parents Share the Creepiest Things Their Children Have Told Them and We May Never Sleep Again
Kids have a habit of saying the most random things. We already know that most of them do not have a filter, but still, some of the topics they talk about are outright shocking. This is especially true when it comes to the supernatural. Children seem to be more aware of paranormal activity and when they do experience something strange, they sometimes discuss it openly, freaking the rest of us out entirely!
Author and dad Barlow Adams shared something terrifying his 9-year-old had said over on Twitter, sparking a whole conversation of creepy things that children have said to their parents.
9: Can I sleep with you?
Me: Why?
9: Had a dream about the Lullaby Lady.
M: Who?
9: An old woman with no skin on her hands.
M: Why do you call her that?
9: Because she stands next to your bed and hums while you sleep.
M: Sure, just let Daddy put the house up for sale real quick.— Barlow Adams (@BarlowAdams) February 29, 2020
Urrgggh, that really does make me shudder! What could be more terrifying than someone called “The Lullaby Lady”? Before long, others jumped in sharing their own lowkey horrifying stories.
My 6 year old had a princess bed with curtains around it. She used to get really hot in bed so I suggested not drawing the curtains around her. She replied, ‘No, I have to have the curtains drawn then I can’t see the old lady standing next to my bed. I don’t like her watching me’
— Sue Smart (@MrsS_Smart) March 1, 2020
Family trip to war museum:
6: Dad did you see the man?
Me: What man?
6: The man in the plane.
4: The man with the blood on his face!
Me: *looks around. None of the planes have mannequins in.*
6: Its the blood man!
6,4,2: THE BLOOD MAN THE BLOOD MAN— Stephen Collins (@stephen_collins) March 1, 2020
Well so my Grandma gifted me her car, and then a few years later she passed away. My son didn’t know this and asked me why the old lady was crying. I asked what old lady? He said the one in the car….my car. The one my Grandma gave me.
— Christa (@mynameischrysta) March 1, 2020
My 5yo: Don’t die mommy
Me: I wasn’t planning on, babe.
My 5yo: It already happened before
Me: ?
— Ashli | Bramblecraft Bonewitch (@Mama_Ghuleh) March 1, 2020
My 3 yo asked if she could get a canopy to protect her from the horned lady. The picture she drew of her was terrifying.
— Carrie Firestone (@CLLFirestone) March 1, 2020
— Carrie Firestone (@CLLFirestone) March 1, 2020
My 3yo has toy cell phone conversations with “Grandpa.” Except she hasn’t ever known one, because both my dad and father-in-law are deceased. She only has my stepdad, distinctly called Papa Duck.
Oh, and we live in the house where my father-in-law passed away in 2003.
— Elizabeth is fine. (@neverliz) March 1, 2020
When my kid was 3 he told me I had always been his mummy , but the time before he was a girl and I looked different, “but mummy I was me , and you were you , we have always been together “ ??
— Cuppa? (@hayleyhoopla) March 1, 2020
When my daughter was 3 or 4 she had a group of imaginary children. I thought it was quite amusing. One day she said, “Do you know what my children call me?……They call me The Cloth Keeper” I have no idea what that meant but I no longer found it amusing ?
— Susan R (@soozyray) March 1, 2020
My 3 year old had a meltdown about ghosts so I was trying to assure her there were no ghosts in our house. We’re the second family in this house and no one died in it far as we know. I say there’s no ghosts, she says “ghost right there” and points to my empty hallway. ??☠️nuke
— Skyla Rose Beranich (@skyberfire) March 1, 2020
Me: I have to close the curtains or the moon will keep you up.
6 y/o: No, I like the moon. She tells me stories!
Me: Yeah, about what?
6: About when you were a kid like me.
M: That’s funny.
6: The moon’s been watching you your whole life. And she never forgets what you did.— Brian McGee (@Bricobrosse) March 1, 2020
Yikes! Kids see the damndest things!
Do you have a similar story to share?
I was told by a Registered Nurse that at around 3 y.o. children develop a very vivid imagination, have nightmares etc – one of the reasons they suddenly want to sleep in your bed.
My now 10, then 3 nearly 4 came running into the room scared just after my DH had left for work. This is the convo:
Miss 3: “Mummy! Mummy! There’s a man in our backyard”
Me – startled and a little anxious: “I’m sure there’s not but let’s go and have a look.”
We walk to her room which looks out into the backyard.
Me – a little relived: “Baby there’s no one out there see?”
Miss 3: “He was there”
Me: “There’s no one there, where did you see him”
Miss 3: “He came out of the ground and walked to daddy’s shed”
Needless to say we spent the day in the front section of the house ??