FFS: Scoop The Damn Dog Poop People!

FFS: Scoop The Damn Dog Poop People!
Paris, as beautiful a city as it may be, is not very high on my list of places to visit. For one, I don’t speak French and I hear they can be kinda on the arrogant side if you don’t speak the language, and the second reason is because their footpaths are absolutely covered with dog poo. Parisians take their dogs EVERYWHERE and don’t give a crap…about their crap. And if you don’t watch where you’re walking, you are going to step in it and dog poo stinks like, well, shit. Their hospitals see hundreds of people admitted each year due to injuries from having slipped in it! A shit slip.
And I know it’s gross carrying a plastic bag and bending over desperately trying not to get it anywhere on your fingers and scooping up that (still warm) poop but if you don’t, you are being a bit of an ass. There is nothing that pisses me off quite as much as when out for a nice evening stroll having to keep my eyes peeled for piles of poop on the footpath. My husband and I know exactly what the warning: “Poo” means – look out, there’s another one. It is bad enough when people let their dogs go on unsuspecting neighbour’s nature strips but what the actual hell is up with them letting them go on the footpath??!!
According to news.com.au one man is so fed up with the constant mess left in front of his property in the upmarket suburb of Kirribilli he has taken matters into his own hands. He has posted a sign outside his town house stating if you don’t pick up after your dog, you will be filmed, shown and shamed and then he goes as far as to view his CCTV footage, posts photos of the offenders (complete with date and time of the offence) and puts that sign on another tree outside his property asking for anyone who knows the offender to call him.
I’m guessing it must be a fairly busy thoroughfare to take matters quite that far (or maybe he doesn’t have a day job) but I do feel his pain. The man has lived in the area since the 80’s and takes great pride in keeping the grass on the small nature strip looking nice and says the biggest culprits in the area were new residents “who didn’t understand the etiquette of having a dog in Kirribilli”.
“The bigger the dog the bigger the poo,” he said.
Council rangers are following up on this incident with the resident concerned and are advised to contact Council if they are aware of areas where dog excrement is an issue.
In this north Sydney suburb the fines can be up to $275 for failing to pick up after your pooch.
It is believed the offender is still at large!
Do you pick up your pet’s poo?