Principal Asks Mothers To Dress Better For School Drop Off

A principal in the UK has had enough of poorly dressed parents doing the school drop off and pick up that she has kindly requested that they “take the time to get dressed” in the morning. Principal Kate Chisolm from Darlington, wants mothers to stop doing drop off in their pyjamas.
Chisholm sent a letter home imploring parents to “dress appropriately” during the day. “I have noticed there has been an increasing tendency for parents to escort children to and from school while still wearing their pajamas and, on occasion, even slippers,” it read. “Could I please ask that when you are escorting your children, you take the time to dress appropriately in day wear that is suitable for the weather conditions?”
Seriously? Does she think parents are actually wearing pyjamas to school?
“We are trying to raise standards and get better outcomes for the children and we noticed a lot of the parents are turning up to school as well as meetings and assemblies wearing pajamas,” the note continues. “If we’re to raise standards it’s not too much to ask parents to have a wash and get dressed.”

Here’s my question. Is the principal talking about actual 2 piece flannel pj’s and fluffy slippers? Are mums coming into the school gate with bathrobes and rollers in their hair? I doubt it. As if parents don’t have enough to worry about in the morning, now they’re being told to dress up?!
“I have had loads of support from the community and people saying it’s about time something was done,” the letter continues.
I need to see photos of the offending parents to believe this and who are the members of the community that are offended? I need to interject here and admit to taking the kid’s to school in my pyjamas on occasion but I have never gotten out of the car and my so-called pyjamas are basically leggings and a t-shirt.
So is this principal offended by leisure wear? Is that what she is referring to as pyjamas? Cause if is she is then there ain’t no power strong enough to make mum’s give up their leggings!