Woman Ruins Her Own Proposal by Refusing to Stop Repeating Her Stupid Joke

Woman Ruins Her Own Proposal by Refusing to Stop Repeating Her Stupid Joke
A woman has managed to spoil a precious moment when her girlfriend proposed to her by refusing to stop repeating a stupid joke.
Not willing to give up her witty habit of quickly saying “No” while someone is in the middle of asking her a question, the now-humiliated and ring-less woman is having a bit of a meltdown following the disastrous proposal attempt.
Writing to everyone’s favourite sub Am I The Asshole, a woman revealed how her girlfriend, Molly, has made an annoying habit out of saying “no” to anything and everything as a joke. She has even gone so far as to snap “no” while her partner was telling her that she loved her.
Understandably, the “joke” has worn paper thin over the 6 months or so that she has been at it, and she is persisting with it despite being asked to stop many times.
You can see where this is going, can’t you?
Fast forward to the day when the couple invited their nearest and dearest for the much-anticipated proposal. This was not a surprise to anyone present as it had been planned for a long time.
“I asked her to marry me and she said a quick NO and I was so grumpy/panic/upset (everyone looking in shock) for 30 seconds for her to laugh and say she was joking, finally saying YES,” the woman wrote.
“I was so embarrassed and… disappointed? I put the ring box back in and said I’d take it out to cool off. I didn’t even let her say anything.”
She booked herself into a hotel and refused to take her girlfriend’s calls. The couple’s families have taken sides and now the woman is wondering if she did the right thing in tapping out of the situation.
“NTA why would you sign up for this permanently?” asked the top commenter on her post.
“Your girlfriend just learned a much-needed lesson on why you don’t joke and say no when you mean yes,” added another. “And you are not making the situation uncomfortable because of a “silly joke” — SHE is.
“She knew you don’t like it (and honestly, who would? That would annoy the fuck out of most people) but she did it anyway. What next? Is she going to jokingly say no during your ceremony?”
How do you think you would react in this situation? Would you be rethinking the whole relationship? Share your thoughts in the comments!