Store all Your Child’s Precious Memories and Keepsakes with This Ultimate Smilefile Prize Pack

Store all Your Child’s Precious Memories and Keepsakes with This Ultimate Smilefile Prize Pack
From the moment our little people come into our lives, most of us treasure every memento that their existence brings – starting from our very first ultrasound photo. Sure, at that stage our little black and white grainy-looking baby did resemble a prawn from outer space (thanks Kaz Cooke) but it was our prawn from outer space and we’d never loved a crustacean quite as much as we loved this one.
So, (as parents are seemingly programmed to do when we adore our little people) we collect, store and record every life-changing stage of their development. The days can seem so long in the early months when they need your constant love and attention, but ask any parent of a kindy or school-aged kid and they’ll tell you, it feels like only yesterday they were swaddling and giving mid-night feeds to that same child in the dead of night when they were just a wee little thing. (Heck, when it’s over, we even look back on those times with fondness…time seems to erase the memory of the earth-shattering tiredness we felt…every….single…day! haha!
But the problem is…that after too long, knowing where to keep your precious keepsakes can start to pose an issue. Even if lack of space isn’t an issue (and let’s be honest, lack of storage space is always an issue when you have kids!) having everything important relating to your child’s early days in some kind of organised system is definitely a problem many most of us face.
As a mum of 3 children born within 3 years (yay for the surprise one!) I thought I was so clever purchasing a big coloured plastic tub for each of them early on. Well, needless to say, it wasn’t long before each tub resembled a dumpster with random sandwich bags containing first curls, first teeth and various ‘artworks’ which were mainly composed of a solitary splodge of thick paint…or on the other end of the spectrum – an A3 sheet of so many colours mixed together, it was a struggle to see the white of the paper beneath the sludge-brown kaleidoscope.
Well, whether you are at the ‘eeek-look-at my-black-and-white-prawn’ on a print- out stage, or you’re struggling to locate your fridge door handle beneath the plethora of artwork, school certificates and sports awards stage, you’ll love Smilefile.
Yes Smilefile. Remember that name – because what I am about to tell you will revolutionise your life (and your cupboard space!) Seriously, you are going to loooove me after this!
Smilefile kits and cases offer all the necessary components to keep all those precious memories and keepsakes safe for a lifetime. and cover all stages of your child’s development including pregnancy, newborn, pre-school and school.
Pregnancy to Preschool Smilefile Kit/Memory Box
Record your pregnancy and your baby’s milestones
Protects and keeps safe: hospital name bracelet or photos, birth certificate, the first tooth or shoes, favourite book or tessy, ultrasound or first birthday photos and more.
Consists of: a memory box, folder, recording pages, plastic pockets, organza pouches and labels
Size: Orange folder fits A4 with 30mm spine.
White memory box dimensions – 28wide x 33high x 11cm spine.
Pregnancy to Preschool Smilefile kits make the perfect baby shower gift, or special pressie for a new mum and now is the perfect time to purchase one – with 20% off between now and Mother’s Day!
Pre-school to Year 12 Smilefile Kit
- Protects & keeps safe: your child’s paintings, certificates,
- handmade items, photos, report cards, CDs, USBs, awards,
- sports ribbons, medals & more.
- Consists of: 3 durable folders, 2 document boxes,
- sample set of plastic pockets, labels & outer box.
- Size: This box has to be large in size to last your chiild’s whole schooling life.
Outer box dimensions with lid on – 41cm wide x 30cm high x 35cm deep.
A2 Paintings & Drawings Artwork Case
- Protects & keeps safe: your child’s larger pre-school
- and school masterpieces in this versatile carry case. Comes in 6 colours: Red, Blue, Purple, Green, Yellow and now Pink.
- Size: Fits up to A2.
60.5cm wide x 43cm high x 30cm deep.
Precious Prints Inkless Baby Hand & Footprints Kit
- Take an inkless colour impression of your child’s hand and
- footprint using our magic, non-toxic, inkless wipes and special
coated paper. Available in pink or blue.
Smilefile Giveaway
Smilefile are giving Mums Lounge readers the opportunity to win the ultimate Smilefile prize pack consisting of
1 x Pregnancy to Preschool Kit
1 x Preschool to Year 12 Kit
1 x A2 Artwork Carry Case
1 x Precious Print Kit Inkless Baby Hands and Footprints
with a total value of $175
To enter simply complete the entry form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway