People Share the Things They Wish Their Partners Would Do More Often

If there is one cliché that is 100% true, it’s that marriages/relationships take work! You won’t always be in the honeymoon period of course, and it’s normal for relationships to go through ups and downs, but it’s important to make an effort whether you’ve been together 3 months or twenty years!
When people were asked on Reddit what things they wished their partners would do more often, there were some common themes running through the comments section. Some were heartwarming, others not so much! But we think you’ll agree that many are very relatable. They may even give you a few ideas on things you can do more for your partner.
Cuddle. (elderscrolls)
Just relax and take a day off to chill alone. (champipple)
I wish she’d be nicer to herself. She seems to only notice what she hates about herself. She banished her abusive mom to the other side of the country, but that devil’s voice never left the back of her mind. (PrivatePigpen)
I love her but I really wish she’d win the lottery once in a while. (Alexander_Writer)
Stop talking, constanty. Let me finish a thought. Stop listening to me to respond and listen to listen. (MissDingusMalingus86)
Words of affirmation. He’s not a words guy, and I get that. I can live without it but I feel I need it, to know it’s okay to be sweet and sappy. (Low_Turn_4568)
Take more interest in my life – like ask me about my day, how I’m doing, or even just ask me a follow up question when I’m telling her a story or ab something that happened. (jimbojonesFA)
Initiate sex. But after all these years I know it’s just my job now. She plans meals. I start sex. (NoNotMyRealUsername)
Talk and yap about whatever. I love yappers and I’m in a relationship with a listener 😭 (HotGarbageTaylorsVer)
Tell me straight up what I can do to make them happy instead of just wishing. (Zaccus)
Proposing activities!! He never asked to do something that be both would enjoy and when i ask he’s never enthusiastic so i stopped asking(we’ve never had a real date and we’ve been together2 years) (goddamnit_people)
Flirt, initiate, show some desire. I miss being wanted. (noefnorf832)
See me for me and not just a mother or a housemate. I need stimulating conversation and engagement. (Fallen-Sky-904)
Help me clean and organize our home.. Maybe help in the garden?
I’m already a Janitor and a housekeeper I have many jobs per day, I’d rather not be the sole person doing all the house chores and lawn maintenance as well when I get home from doing that all already…
Sometimes I wanna quit my jobs and do something else so I wont feel stress making sure our house is tidy…
I’m tired.. I just want some help (paulxombie1331)
Take his farts outside and let the wind carry the fumes far away. (Goddessviking86)
Spend more time with his kids and help out with them. Honestly, i just am tired of being the only adult around here… (Outrageous-Donut-701)
Say something kind. Just that I look nice today or he likes my top or anything like that. (RattyHandwriting)
listen to me she asks me how to do something and then does it her way and when it doesn’t work blames me and i have to fix it. (Great_Active_8570)
Quit bitching and go to the doctor. Them: my back hurts all the time. Me: go see a doctor. Them: no, they won’t do anything for me…. Me: except diagnose you and provide treatment so you will feel better. (Chromeasshole)
Love me with the same energy that I love her. It’s exhausting feeling like you’re the only one in love. (Regular-Building-833)
The small silly mundane things. I want them to be excited when they see me after work, come over and give me a big hug and kiss. I want them to plan nights out/in instead of it always being me. I want them to have ideas of what to cook for dinner. I want them to want to wake up on the weekends with me when they know I’ve been awake for hours already. I want them to ask me if I want to go for a walk with the dog instead me always being the one to ask. This sounds kinda ridiculous, but honestly.. it is the small things that prove somebody’s intentions and priorities. (SkyeBeary)
Be nicer to strangers I stopped going food shopping with her because the scenes she would cause. (Genghishahn44)
Take care of me when I’m sick. I love her, but she’s not very nurturing like that. (Jimmyswrestlingcoach)
I’d like compliments that aren’t related to my looks. It’s nice to be told you’re hot and sexy, but sometimes I feel like he’s just horny. Compliments about my intelligence, work ethic, great taste and kindness would turn me on so much more. (Cute_Apopointment6457)
Open up to me more about his feelings, thoughts and worries. Why do men bottle stuff up? (Curious-Layer8811)
Treat herself to new clothes, spa days, etc. She works hard, basically keeps her family from collapsing, and tolerates my dumb ass all while being a really great friend to her friends. She rarely does anything for herself. (Listening_Heads)
Laugh *Dependent_Top_4425)
Tell me they love me without me having to say it first. (Lildnth43)
What do you wish your partner did more often? What do you think their answer would be?