20 Hilarious Tweets From Parents That Are Way Too Relatable

20 Hilarious Tweets From Parents That Are Way Too Relatable
It helps to know that other parents are going through the exact same crap that you are dealing with in your own family. These hilarious tweets prove that none of us have our shit together when it comes to parenting and that the antics of children will always provide a bit of comic relief no matter how frustrating looking after them can be.
All I want for Mother’s Day is to no longer have the soundtrack to “moana” playing on repeat in my head
— Emily Peck (@EmilyRPeck) May 8, 2017
10yo: I came up with a trick for multiplying any number by 999 in my head.
Also 10yo: Folding towels is haaaaaard!
— MamaFizzles (@MamaFizzles) May 8, 2017
Tell me what you want
what you really really want
I wanna
I wanna
I wanna
I wanna really really really want you to finish your damn homework— Kim Bongiorno (@LetMeStart) March 8, 2017
Me: Did you have a good day at school?
6-year-old: That’s not how school works.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn) May 8, 2017
4-year-old: “Mommy, I accidentally flushed the potty over and over and the pee-pee water flowed everywhere, so I ran away.”
Happy Monday!
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) March 6, 2017
Have a second child, so you can do things different this time around and still manage to do everything wrong.
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) May 8, 2017
If you’re not sure about having kids, have someone say “Mom!” 100 times before 7am & see if it’s right for you.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) May 8, 2017
Get married and have kids so that you can be woken up at 4:56 am on a Saturday by someone asking what the opposite of “J” is.
— Ash (@adult_mom) March 4, 2017
It’s like kids can just smell us relaxing.
— Mommy Owl (@Lhlodder) May 9, 2017
Took the 4 year old to the playground; we stayed for 45 minutes & 1,253 “Yes, I’m watching!”s long.
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) May 10, 2017
If anyone has a solid 3 hours on their hands, my 6 year old has a story about Pikachu he’ll tell to anyone who is willing to listen.
— Lurkin’ Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) May 7, 2017
I love doing crafts with my kids!
— TheBabyLady (@thebabylady7) May 8, 2017
Hi. I’m Dad. You may know me from “Because I Said So!,” “Turn Off The Light/Shut The Door!” and the classic “Only Daddy Can Use That Word!”
— Own Your Meh (@TheAlexNevil) May 10, 2017
Being a parent is just basically walking around the house saying, “Clean up this mess!” until everyone is crying.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) March 5, 2017
6yo: “When my play date gets here you and her mom can just go do ‘Mom Things’ like drink wine and talk about Girl Scout cookies, ok?”
— Wendy S. (@maughammom) March 4, 2017
5y.o: “I’m starving! Can I have a snack?”
Me: “Dinner’s almost ready.”
5: “What’s dinner?”
Me: “Meatloaf.”
5: “Ew! I’m not hungry.”— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) March 7, 2017
Just watched my 7yo crumble up bacon and put it in his cereal, and now he’s my new life coach
— Robert Knop (@FatherWithTwins) March 7, 2017
Parenting: Spent the weekend trying not to burst a blood vessel over my kids’ behavior then got emotional and teary just watching them sleep
— Fowl Language Comics (@fowlcomics) March 6, 2017
I’ve reached the stage of parenting where my kids are rebuilding our home out of play-doh and I don’t even care because they’re being quiet.
— MyQuestionableLife (@2questionable) March 8, 2017
Save time on laundry by wearing the same outfit over&over until your kid wipes his boogery face on your shirt oh god how is this my life now
— Myrrh (@ixix82) March 9, 2017
Parenthood, where you didn’t realise you could ruin someone’s life by asking them to put pants on!