Chocolate Free Easter Basket Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love!

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Chocolate Free Easter Basket Gift Ideas Everyone Will Love!
I love Easter, I love the being able to get out of the city and spend time with my wonderful family. I love pancakes, I love being in the kitchen with my mother and my daughters and the smell of fresh hot cross buns. I love the big seafood feast on Friday and the Loxton Easter morning community breakfast where you get to catch up with all of the locals and watch the older citizens delight at the children’s joy and enthusiasm.
I love the story of the Easter bunny and the sharing of treats. I love seeing my husband and father hiding little shiny parcels in the garden in the dark and hoping that the foxes don’t get them all (but ultimately forgetting where they hid them). I love the Easter road trips.
I love the cooler nights and camping out. I love being able to have a campfire again.
What I don’t love is the chocolate overload. I don’t love the sticky mess, the sugar tantrums, the expense, the arguments over who’s is who’s…I could go on but I am sure that you can easily add to the list yourself!
So this year I have decided to be a bit more creative (and save some money on the way!)
I have decided that the old fashioned Easter basket should make a comeback!
Here are some great Easter baskets that will suit everyone in the family!
The Young Dino Hunter
This basket is full of fun activities for a girl or boy who likes to keep busy during the holidays. It includes everything from a really cool dinosaur model, a colouring book, crayons and pencils (great for a car trip) some oragiami ,a craft kit and some cute figurines to play with. It won’t all be gone the next morning and will last the whole holidays.
Well, what youngster wouldn’t like this one! Not a bunny in sight. (They haven’t been invented yet!) The cute little basket is actually fabric and is perfect for keeping all of the little bits and pieces in when it comes out of its packaging.
The Teenage Sloth in Hibernation
Most teenagers become sloths during the school holidays, mine will probably hide in their rooms with junk food, Netflix and the living dead.
So this is perfect for them.
The junk food container makes the base of the Easter basket and filling it up with the geeky Star Wars bottle, Living Dead figurines, Pringles, and a nerf ball makes it a perfect gift for the teenager that hibernates in your home.
Cheap As Chips have a great range of gifts for the geek in your life, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Big Bang Theory, whatever your Net-flix addicted teen is currently obsessed with.
Females in the Family
This next one can be for Mum, Nanna sister, teenage daughter.
This one was really easy! I found this great book at Cheap As Chips all about things that you can cook or serve in Mason Jars. I love it and desperately want to keep it for myself!
So obviously, you grab a beautiful basket, line it with some beautiful tea towels, add half a dozen glass jars, some measuring cups, some mixing spoons, arrange it in the basket with the book and wrap the whole lot with cellophane! It takes literally 5 minutes and it is not only beautiful but practical!
Shopkins Fans
Anyone in your house a fan of Shopkins? It seems to be a big deal at the moment and while you can pay top dollar elsewhere, it is at bargain prices at Cheap As Chips.
This Shopkins bundle also comes with a very practical basket that can be used for storage.
I have added to the basket a large packet of sidewalk chalk, I think that sidewalk chalk is fabulous! If you are going to a caravan park for the holiday it is a great boredom buster! My kids spend hours drawing on the concrete, making hopscotch grids or handball squares or playing hangman. I wouldn’t go on holiday without it. A simple wooden clip board is also great for those who like to draw or colour in in the car or in bed. It’s great for a storage for collected maps, tourist information or anything your young traveller collects.
My father is a pretty easy man to buy for, most men like a good read during the holidays, some fab music and something nice to eat. I went in to Cheap As Chips thinking of something rather generic for Dad but found all of his favourites!
Did you know that they have a HUGE range of imported foods? I found some of our hard to find favourite English treats like Branston Pickle and Batchelor’s Mushy Peas! I found a whole heap of lovely lollies as well but resisted. These lovely coppery Moscow Mugs are great for keeping your beer cold and look so chic. I have popped it all in a cute little crate that Dad can use later to keep his bits and pieces in, added some cellophane for wrapping and hopefully dad won’t even notice there is no chocolate!
The Whole Family
Last but not least I have made one for the whole family!
Nothing is more fun than a water fight so this basket has all the ingredients for an awesome time!
I got this handy tub in the storage section that will make a great holder for all the water bomb and started from there, a pool noodle makes it look like a real basket and is always a useful weapon in a water fight! I lined the basket with a plastic tablecloth for a bit of interest and to help the goodies inside stand up.
Then it’s a matter of starting with your biggest item first, a massive water gun is a must!
Add in to that
- Back up gun
- Water balloons
- Bubble wand
- Waterproof bag
Best Easter basket ever!!
What one of these would suit your loved ones?