Having an ‘OMG I Forgot Mother’s Day’ Moment?

Having an ‘OMG I Forgot Mother’s Day’ Moment?
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Get down to Cheap as Chips NOW!!
In the craft section, they have a range of mini photo albums for under$5!!
Grab one, take it home and get a texta.
Now I have to tell you! This is my favourite kind of mother’s day gift…vouchers and love notes!
On each page get the kids, or yourself to write one thing that you love mum for.. I love Mum because she takes me to football.. She smells nice, she gives the best cuddles.. I don’t know your mum (partner, wife.. whatever) so I can’t tell you what to write..
In the other side write down what you think she might like!
Let me give you a hint, it usually involves time on her own, total silence or some sort of job doing for her.. cleaning the bathroom is one close to my heart but it depends on the age of the kids and this is the important bit.. willingness to follow through.
It’s not a good voucher if you can’t collect on it!!
Grab a box of chocolates, you can get them at heap as Chips at the same time, and the card as well.. and you are done!
I look forward to this so much every year and the notes are always so cute that I keep them and forget to use the vouchers.
He best thing about this gift is that it doesn’t look like you forgot, it looks like a lot of love and thought went into it.
And all for under $10