Honey and Almond Energy Balls Recipe

Honey and Almond Energy Balls Recipe
If you’re anything like me (and pretty much everyone else in the world!), you hit a major energy roadblock at about 3pm. And so of course, this is usually the time I go searching for a Caramello Koala or hope that I’ve still got half a chocolate bar hidden in my desk drawer. This little chocolate routine has served me very well for many years. However, I know that I really need to try and get my afternoon energy fix in a healthier way.
So I’ve set out on a little adventure to experiment with baking with as many different healthier afternoon snacks as I can. And I’ve made myself a few little rules for this journey (yes, I am a total nerd).
- The snack must taste super yummy (so I don’t miss my chocolate fix too much).
- It must be easy to make (I have more important things to do on my weekends… like watch trashy reality TV).
- It must make enough to last me the week (otherwise, we all know that I’ll be running into the supermarket for a giant Freddo Frog).
So, for my first ‘healthier-afternoon-snack-so-I-don’t-overdose-on-chocolate’ recipe is for Honey and Almond Energy Balls.
To be honest, I usually start the day off really healthy. I love my oats with yoghurt, fruit and nuts… you see, it’s only as the day wears on that my good habits fall by the wayside! So I thought that if I could create a healthy snack that tastes a bit like my usual breakfast, I’d be satisfied… and so came about the idea of these Honey & Almond Energy Balls.
Now these balls do still have a little bit of sugar in them – so they’re not totally healthy (but they’re a heck of a lot better than my usual naughty afternoon pick-me-up). They’re also packed full of almonds, which I found filled me up and kept me going until dinner. They also passed all three of my rules – with flying colours actually!
So, if you’re after a healthier afternoon treat – these little babies are for you! You wont even miss your usual Caramello Koala (well… maybe just a little!).
- ¼ cup smooth peanut butter
- ¼ cup honey
- 1/3 cup brown sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 tbs butter
- 2 cups rolled oats
- ½ cup rice bubbles
- ¾ cup dry roasted almonds
- Place the rolled oats, rice bubbles and almonds into a large bowl. Mix to combine.
- In a small saucepan, bring the peanut butter, honey, brown sugar, vanilla essence and butter to a boil (stirring continuously).
- Reduce the heat and simmer (while stirring) for 2 minutes or until the sauce has thickened.
- Pour the sauce over the dry ingredients and mix really well – so that all of the dry ingredients are completely covered.
- Use your hands to roll the mixture into tablespoon-sized balls.
- Place into an airtight container and store in the fridge for up to 5 days.