Here Are 18 Clever People Who Discovered Genius Loopholes to Flaunt the Rules

Here Are 18 Clever People Who Discovered Genius Loopholes to Flaunt the Rules
Have you ever come across a random rule that just doesn’t seem to make sense? That someone put in place for no apparent reason, or perhaps a reason that you simply disagree with? Sometimes rules are made to be broken, right? You rebel, you!
These people came up with some pretty awesome loopholes to get around these silly rules. And we have to say, they really are rather clever!
1. This little boy was told not to set foot outside, so he didn’t
2. This fan was banned from the stadium so he hired a cherry picker to watch the game
3. The school banned these boys from wearing shorts in summer so they decided to wear skirts instead
4. This school camp required kids to write a letter home after a week away
5. When they only allow you one formula sheet when you sit your exams (check out that penmanship though!)
6. The campus banned pumpkins at Halloween, so…
7. This student was required to submit a resume and cover letter in the style of a Marvel character for a Uni assignment
8. When mum locks your stuff away in her bathroom vanity but doesn’t think it through very well
9. A music festival refused to allow vendors to sell drinks in the middle of summer, but this guy found a way
10. When your dad installs a security camera inside to make sure you don’t get up to no good while he goes away
11. This resort banned drinks at the pool
12. And this Iranian stadium banned women from attending soccer matches, forcing these ladies to improvise
13. This is how you do movie night with your boyfriend when your dorm forbids night visitors inside
14. This ridiculous rule was just asking to be misinterpreted
15. Dogs are not allowed on New York City’s subways unless they are in a carrier
16. Well, a Chinese immigrant in 1870 wouldn’t write a letter home in English, would they?
17. When you’re told not to eat in the loungeroom but electronics are not allowed in the kitchen
18. The city wouldn’t allow a restaurant to put tables and chairs on the footpath so this happened instead
What do you think? Which one is your favourite?
Source: Bored Panda