24 Times People Purchased Something Online But Received Something Hilariously Horrid

24 Times People Purchased Something Online But Received Something Hilariously Horrid
As we’ve covered before, online shopping can be fraught with obstacles. Clothing sizes can be off, delivery can be longer than expected and, well, frankly, sometimes you are sent an item that looks absolutely nothing like what was advertised. Whether we choose to contact the fake company and kick up a stink or quietly bin the item and vow to never mention it again, it happens more often than we care to admit. This is why we love eBay for our online shopping here at MLHQ! I’ve never had a bad experience shopping on eBay, unlike these unfortunate shoppers!
Here are 24 people who regret their purchases after seeing what actually turned up in the post. It’s hard to choose a favourite, but let us know in the comments which one tickled you the most!
1. This man thought he was buying a cool tapestry print to hang up in his room, ended up with a nifty bandanna instead

2. This woman ordered customised wrapping paper and received a hilarious poster of her face

3. Thinking she was ordering a much sought after record, this lady got a dolls house version instead

4. How is it possible to order your face on a pair of socks and get one sock with some random guy’s face printed on it?

5. I think we can all agree that this baby Yoda plushie is not what the buyer thought they were ordering

6. I’m sorry but this is hilarious!!

7. Never order your wedding gown from AliExpress

8. Or places like Wish for that matter

9. Lesson learned!

10. Well at least they tried…

11. “So I Just Knew I Was About To Be Fly In This Outfit. These Folks Den Sent Me A Whole Clown Suit”

12. Not quite as stylish as the advert, is it?

13. Oh lordy

14. After months on backorder, this is what actually arrived. Shocking

15. This is your first and only warning to never buy veneers online

16. Even he looks startled at what was delivered

17. Nothing about this outfit says Bodycon or Sexy

18. Are… are those nursing pads?

19. This It costume is all kinds of awesome, not gonna lie

20. A print! This customer received a print of this lovely jacket instead of the real thing!

21. Oh dear, those social media scammers are at it again!

22. When you order an elegant cupcake arrangement and receive a toilet seat instead

23. More nursing pads!

24. Not an online purchase but certainly not what she ordered!!

Forget all those social media ads for cheap and nasty sweatshop knock offs. All these poor people should have stuck to eBay!
Which one was your favourite?
Source: Bored Panda