Bride Left Devastated After Her Sister-In-Law Ruined Both Her Bridal Shower and Her Wedding Day

Bride Left Devastated After Her Sister-In-Law Ruined Both Her Bridal Shower and Her Wedding Day
A newlywed bride has been left devastated after her spoiled sister-in-law ruined not only her bridal shower but also her wedding day by scheduling her baby shower and then her caesarian-section on the same days.
In what can only be viewed as a deliberate power-move, the sister-in-law (herein dubbed SILzilla) had every opportunity to schedule her own events so as not to coincide with her brother’s new wife’s events, but decided instead to steal the attention for herself.
No doubt feeling slighted, Reddit user Ginnywhatchoowannado took to the site’s forums to share her side of the story.
My now-husband and I announced our engagement last November, stating our intention for a June wedding. A few weeks later my BIL and SIL announced the pregnancy of their first child. My SIL is still very young and she grew up very spoiled. She’s still very self-centred but since her pregnancy, she has started maturing. Despite our personality differences she and I have grown sort of close. I was genuinely excited about the baby.
My mum wanted me to have a wedding shower so I picked late May. I sent out invites for May 19th. About two weeks before my shower my SIL sent out invites for her baby shower – for May 19th. My husband’s relatives who I had invited and who had RSVPed my shower skipped her shower for hers. SIL showed up at my shower in the last hour wearing a white dress, a tiara, and a pink satin sash over her chest.
Husband and I picked June 8th for the wedding. We had everything set up, everything paid for, a church and a minister, reception hall. It was all set and ready to go. About a week before my wedding SIL announces that she scheduled her c-section for June 8th, with her due date being June 14th. She’s not ill nor is the baby at risk, but SIL has a placenta condition that makes vaginal birth dangerous.
It wasn’t an emergency c-section, she had no complications due to the condition and had known it would be a c-section since month 5. I had already informed everyone of my due date before that point. Save the Dates had been sent out before she scheduled her surgery.
My MIL and FIL told us that if they had to choose between the first grandchild and our wedding they’d choose the baby. Then his grandparents, his three aunts and two uncles and several cousins all said they wanted to be at the hospital for the baby. This family is incredibly close-knit and babies are a big effing deal for them. Then a bunch of their family friends got wind that these relatives weren’t attending our wedding and backed out as well.
One afternoon right before the wedding SIL came over and asked if I was upset. I sort of went off on her. I didn’t yell or use physical violence but I did cuss. Basically, this is what I said, “yeah, I’m upset. I’m fucking mad. You’ve been an asshole to me lately and I don’t know why. You stole the day of my wedding shower and now you’re stealing my wedding day. One day, one day out of the mother-fucking year I want to be the one who’s in the spotlight and now I can’t. And it fucking hurts. I’ve put so much work into this goddamned wedding. (Husband) is upset and doesn’t want to have a wedding anymore, just the courthouse. You’ve stolen my day and the excitement. Yeah, I guess you could say I’m fucking upset. Get the fuck out of my house. Good luck with the baby.”
SIL safely delivered a baby girl and both are doing well. My husband was still hurting and didn’t meet the baby until she was three weeks old. I have yet to meet the baby. My BIL text me recently and called me a “fucking dick” and told me to suck it up and come meet the baby. I’m not mad anymore but I am hurt. I don’t blame the baby, I just don’t want to see BIL/SIL.
Gosh, I don’t blame her for being upset! Of all the days in the year that her SILzilla could have arranged her events she intentionally scheduled them for the ones where her family’s attention would be on her brother’s partner.
Even worse she didn’t just steal her wedding day, she’s hijacked all of her anniversaries as well! The poor bride will never, ever be able to celebrate her anniversary with her husband without being the bad guy for not attending her niece’s birthday party! She will always be reminded of her sister-in-law’s brattiness on what should have been one of the most cherished days of her life.
As for the wedding guests who’d rather wait around at a hospital for a baby to be born via c-section, their choice was questionable at best!
As one person commented, “Tough choice, wedding vs. birth.
Wedding: lasts only one day – will be over tomorrow. Lots of people, fun and food. Oh, and booze!
Birth: hanging around for ages until the baby is born. Meet baby for a couple of minutes. Maybe get to hold baby. Maybe. No expiry date – baby will still be here tomorrow. No fun, no food. Oh, and no booze.
I’d take the wedding.”
*post edited slightly for clarity
Source: Giphy