This Dude Sends His Wife Hilarious Housework-Related Sexts While She’s at Work

This Dude Sends His Wife Hilarious Housework-Related Sexts While She’s at Work
There’s nothing like spicing up a “comfortable” sex life by sending each other some sexy text messages, right? A little pout, some bare skin and suggestive eye contact with the camera can turn any innocent message into a red-hot sext very quickly.
Especially when the stick vac is involved.
Wait, what?
There is one husband who knows the way to his woman’s heart — a nice, clean house — and he is taking full advantage of all his housework efforts. He decided to send his hard-working wife some snaps of himself while also hard at work. “Hard” being the key word here.
“My wife really likes it when I do housework so I sent her these pictures while she was at work hoping it would turn her on,” Redditor dirty-ol-sob explained.
Ohh baby! This man sure knows how to turn a woman on with lots of choreplay!
Fellow Redditors loved his post, commenting on how funny and thoughtful he was for cleaning the house. One commenter made the best point though:
“All right, real talk. I’m a dude. I’m married. We have a house.
It shouldn’t be fucking notable when dudes do housework.
My wife wouldn’t give a shit if I sent her a photo of me doing laundry or vacuuming or doing dishes, because I do that stuff every day. Same as her. It’s no more notable than seeing me eat or put on my shoes.
Dudes doing housework shouldn’t be a pleasant surprise. It shouldn’t be seen as going above and beyond, or a treat, or being a sign of a good man. It’s just a fucking basic element of life as a competent adult and as a husband.
Anyway, this isn’t really directed at OP, but the general comments about how great it is to have a man that does housework. If a dude isn’t doing at least some share of the housework – regularly, without having to be asked, and without bitching about it – he’s not a man, he’s a child.”
He’s absolutely right and I wholeheartedly endorse his statement. Everything this man says is spot on.
But here’s the question we all want to be answered — did the housework sexts increase the husband’s chances of some nookie with the missus at the end of the day?
“The only thing I accomplished was making her and all her coworkers she showed the texts to laugh at how dumb I am…. and getting a clean house,” dirty-ol-sob said.
Yep, that’s about as much reward as everyone else gets for doing basic housework too.
Source: Reddit/dirty-ol-sob