Mum Attends Parent Teacher Interviews With The Most Epic Make Up Fail!

Mum Attends Parent Teacher Interviews With The Most Epic Make Up Fail!
Parent teacher interviews can be nerve wracking at the best of times but imagine rocking up to see your kid’s teacher sporting the most ridiculous make up look known to man. That’s exactly what happened to this busy mumma who shared her epic fail for all to enjoy! And enjoy you will – it’s hilarious!
The mum of four who goes by the name Meeshylynn on TikTok posted the relatable video of herself wearing only HALF a face of make up. She must have been in such a rush to make it to her meeting on time that she left one eye completely bare!
“I don’t know if I’m laughing or not. I don’t know if I’m crying,” says the mum, who begins by keeping half her face covered. “I get back in the car, and I’m like, ‘Wow, that was great,'” she says.
It seems the parents were all lovely to her so she felt welcomed and says she was excited for her daughter to get invited to birthday parties and playdates with all her new friends.
But then the video took a hilarious turn!
@meeshylynn Would you have told me?!! ? #momsoftiktok #fyp #foryou #momlife #dadsoftiktok #kidsoftiktok #badmom #toddlersoftiktok #lifestyle ♬ Lifestyle (feat. Adam Levine) – Jason Derulo
“They were nice to me because they felt bad for me,” she says, showing the viewers the other half of her face which was make up free.
“What is that?!” she squeals. “I look like an emoji. Why am I like this? Are mums just so put together that mum brain isn’t a thing anymore, and I’m just rolling in here like a hot mess all the time?
“Girl, I used to work in a school office. The Mums like you were the ones we loved most. The REAL ones,” said a TikToker. “This would literally make me want to be friends [with you] more,” said another “This is how you find true friends,” another added.
While one commenter summed it up perfectly: “Tell me you’re a mum without telling me you’re a mum.”
Images: Pixabay