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Terrified Woman Orders KFC Just so Delivery Driver Can Remove a Spider from Her House

Terrified Woman Orders KFC Just so Delivery Driver Can Remove a Spider from Her House

In what we can only describe as 100% relatable, a terrified woman has placed an order for home delivery food with the express purpose of having the delivery driver escort a spider from her home.

This is up there with the guy that ordered pizza delivery and hitched a ride home with the driver instead of taking a cab. This is genius!

Demi Sweeney from Bournemouth, England, is afflicted with arachnophobia — a fear of spiders. And when she spotted one sitting quietly in the corner of her ceiling, she knew she had to figure out a way to have him move out. Quickly.

“I have always been scared of spiders, but last summer it got so bad that I barely slept,” Demi told INSIDER. “It’s quite severe.”

The 22-year-old criminology student’s roommates were away when she noticed the spider so she tried messaging friends and family for help. One clever friend suggested she order food delivery and ask the driver to take care of it for her when he arrived with her dinner. So that’s exactly what she did!

Before placing her order, Demi messaged the food delivery service Deliveroo to see if the driver might be willing to add “spider removal” to his list of services that night.

As fate would have it, once her saviour arrived (carrying her tasty KFC), it was discovered that he, too, was afraid of spiders.

Lucky he was wearing that helmet!

In the end, Joe the delivery driver was successful in coming to Demi’s rescue and ended up flushing the spider down the toilet.

“My fear of spiders was taken to a whole new level today in which I ordered food in a hope that the delivery driver would remove the spider… Joe @Deliveroo you are an actual LIFESAVER,” she wrote on Twitter.

“I’m way too scared to even get close to a spider,” Demi said. “Usually there would always be someone at hand to help; however, as my housemates were away and friends were all busy elsewhere, I had no other options.”

Great effort, Joe!

Source: Twitter/Demi Sweeney

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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