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Why is This 6 Months Pregnant Canadian TV Presenter Receiving Hate Mail?

Why is this 6 months pregnant Canadian TV presenter receiving hate mail?

TV presenters are no doubt in the spotlight every day. They are with us at dinner time. They tell us the news, good sometimes, though mostly bad. So, it is not unbelievable that from time to time they might even offend us. But, the reason why this 6 months pregnant Canadian TV presenter is receiving hate mail should shock you.

No, she hasn’t just given away the plot to Episode 1 of Game Of Thrones. She hasn’t told you the score of the Swans game before you had a chance to watch the replay. She hasn’t even told you who is next to leave Home and Away… No. Apparently her burgeoning size – BECAUSE OF A BABY – is seriously grating on people’s eyeballs and means she deserves hate mail.

kristi gorgon body shamed whilst pregnant
Image source


One audience member wrote: “Nowhere on North American TV have we seen a weather reader as gross as you. Your front end looks like the Hindenburg and your rear end looks like a brick s***house. We now turn off Global.”

Wow, body-shaming a pregnant lady for having a big belly. Shaming people for body size is never cool and picking on a pregnant woman is really a new low.



Kristi says, “I feel like I’m a pretty confident person, I wouldn’t be in this industry if I wasn’t. I don’t feel like this is affecting me, or has affected me.

“But I thought about some of the things I did last night; I checked the mirror to see how big I’m getting. I asked my husband, ‘Am I not seeing it? Am I getting really big?'”

“It wasn’t until I went to bed that I realised that – despite us saying that these guys are crazy – it’s amazing that when you say something mean about someone it still affects them.”

At Global BC, Canada where she works, they released a statement supporting Kristi – “To all viewers, thanks for all your feedback. We’ve read them all. We support Kristi, her wardrobe choices and all women who work while pregnant.”

We at Mum’s Lounge also support Kristi, her beautiful pregnant body and wish her the best for the safe and joyous arrival of baby #2!

Did anyone try to put you down when you were pregnant?

Fiona Dorman

Fiona Dorman

Fiona Dorman founded The Part Time People in 2012 as she saw a lack of adequate information for non-9to5 workers looking for work and ways to change their lives through study. The Part Time People knows that when you are a parent your life becomes full of new commitments on top of work, life, family, study and everything else we need to pack in to 24 hours! TPTP works together with the Mum Media Group to bring together information for parents looking to return to work. With focus on four areas; Return to work, Start Your Own Business, Work From Home and Upskilling, there is information for everyone. As a mother of two young boys, William 2.5yrs and Sam 5 months, Fiona knows the challenges with juggling work, family and home and strives to bring the best information we can to help parents get to the working scenario they want.


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