5 Ways to Cheat Proof Your Relationship

5 Ways to Cheat Proof Your Relationship
According to a story on Sunrise this week Sexual Health Australia has released the startling finding that over 70% of marriages will experience an affair…That is a LOT.
They interviewed their resident psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg who gave his top 5 tips on how to Cheat Proof your marriage:
Hug Every Day
Not one of those “guy-buddy hugs” that lasts a few seconds. A real hug. That lasts at least 20 seconds. Scientific studies have proven that this releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone and releases cortisol which causes stress.
Replace 1 Negative Comment with 5 Positive Ones
Every time you complain, criticise or degrade your partner you need to un-do the damage by saying 5 good things. It can be as simple as smiling, laughing or giving them a compliment. This has been proven to shore up relationships.
Not a peck on the cheek. A 6 second kiss is long enough to be meaningful, but not long enough to necessary lead to bedroom antics (not that it would be a bad thing).
When you pass your partner, touch them – reach out and stroke their hand, arm, hold hands. Again this releases cortisol.
Date Night
Get a babysitter, grab your diary and plan one night a week set aside to go to the movies or a restaurant or whatever you enjoy together. This gives you the alone time needed away from the TV and Facebook to reconnect and catch up.
These are all simple, easy things to do which require very little time or effort….and as Sam quipped, “if you do all this and your partner still cheats on you, kick ’em to the kerb!”