Mum Shares Hilarious “Parenting Fail” Moment When Her 4yo Dropped the F-Bomb

Mum Shares Hilarious “Parenting Fail” Moment When Her 4yo Dropped the F-Bomb
It’s bound to happen sooner or later. Our parental potty mouths are almost certain to rub off on the little sponges that we are raising, resulting in our little darlings using inappropriate language at some point early in on in their lives.
Recently, Ruth Brooker, a British blogger and a mother of two small boys, shared on Twitter what she called her “parenting fail” as her four-year-old child sympathised with his tired and overwhelmed mother in the funniest way possible.
Parenting Fail.
After 4yr old’s epic meltdown over toast cut the “wrong” way.Me: whispering under my breath with my back turned.. “ohhh I’m so fucking tired”
4yr old: “well I’m fucking tired too mummy”
— Ruth Brooker (@erbrooker) February 15, 2022
I bet it was difficult for Ruth to keep a straight face after that zinger!
Her post was met with much joy as other parents shared their own sweary parenting fails.
Kindergartener (now in second) once popped out of the school bathroom with “Surprise, motherfuckers!”
…I couldn’t actually scold him when I got the note home because it was taking every ounce of my self control not to start laughing.
— GOALIES! (@SparkleTindi) February 16, 2022
My two year old in Asda, looking for the milk and saying “milk where are you” being generally adorable, an old lady comes over and coos at him, saying isn’t he so sweet. He looks her dead in the eye and says “for fuck sake”
— Laura Wildman (@LauraW1ldman) February 16, 2022
After my two youngest repeatedly snuck their breakfast out the kitchen, spilling milk all over the sitting room
I asked “why can’t you eat your breakfast in the f’ing kitchen?”
Elder one stared in horror
The 2yo stood up & said “OK, I eat in the fucking kitchen, daddy” ?
— Forzalex (@Forzalex10) February 16, 2022
Last year, I was having a rant to my sister about something. I said to her “I’m fucking raging”
Out in the hallway, I heard my 4yo turn to her 2yo sister and say “we need to play nicely, Mummy is fucking raging!”— Abi Thorn ? (@NurseAbbers) February 16, 2022
I had to take my 3yr old son with me when I went for a mammogram. Doc then did a physical exam behind curtains. Small voice from outside pipes up “Are you touching Mummy’s tits?!” ?
— Alma Claesfellaff #FreeAssange (@AnotherHodge) February 16, 2022
Driving over a bridge during rush hour causes cursing. Trying not to one day in front of my 3-yr-old, I leaned against the side window & sighed heavily. He leaned forward from his car seat & yelled at the cars in front of us for me, “Get outta mama’s way, a*hole.” ?????
— EmpireEm ANastyWoman ??? (@StillHereBugger) February 16, 2022
Hah! My son, probably also about 3 at the time, once said, “you say fuck a lot in the car, Daddy.”
— Conrad Silas (@HisHolyJonner) February 16, 2022
That’s gold! Do you have a similar story to share? Let us know in the comments!