Shocking Reasons Why Men Visit Prostitutes

Shocking Reasons Why Men Visit Prostitutes
Here’s a scenario: your partner tells you from Day ONE that he needs a particular sexual activity included on a regular basis or it’s a deal breaker. Let’s say it’s oral sex for the sake of argument. You happily agree and you have a fabulous relationship where this is a regular part of the bedroom activities for years. Then one day you decide you just don’t want to do it anymore. He decides to go and pay a prostitute every couple of months just for oral sex. Is he wrong? It’s an interesting question to pose.
There are an estimated 40 million sex workers in the world. The average age for men using a prostitute is between 35 to 44. Some studies estimate that 69% of men have used a prostitute at some stage in their life. Others argue the figure is much lower at only 14% but given men are generally reluctant to admit the truth in this area, it’s hard to know exactly what is true. It is thought that a substantial amount of them are married, earn over $120,000 per year, have graduate degrees and think about sex more compared with other groups of men.
I have been privy to a little bit of “Guy Code: Broken” because my partner knows that I have a pretty open mind when it comes to sex and that I’m not going to be shocked or horrified if he tells me what guys get up to behind their partner’s backs. He also knows I would never land him in the shit by getting on my high horse and wagging a finger in the faces of his mate’s behaviour, nor would I make any anonymous calls to their wives.
Having said that I have still been left surprised at the amount of married guys he knows that when the opportunity arises, there are secret trips to brothels made. One of the guys he worked with used to go on his own regularly in the middle of the day to a place nearby. Others go on the spur of the moment, usually in pairs or a group when they’re out partying with their mates with a load of alcohol in their systems.
And NONE of them consider it cheating.
I personally cannot imagine that the risk of getting caught (or catching a communicable disease) is worth it but 40 million sex workers is telling me otherwise.
Suzanne Jannese from Your Tango interviewed some single men she knew who visited prostitutes on a regular basis and these were their top 5 answers when questioned about why they do it:
1. They want to sleep with a REALLY hot woman
“If I’m being brutally honest, the hottest women I’ve ever f*cked have been sex workers. I would never be able to f*ck women who are ridiculously hot unless they were prostitutes.”
2. They want to be in control
“I still want to make sure that the woman is having a good time. But truthfully, I’m more concerned that I’m getting what I want, since I paid for it. And because I paid for it, I’m not afraid to ask.” A lot of men say there is something very hot in being able to ask for exactly what you want in bed, and get it.
3. They want to indulge in a fantasy
“I like to try things – I’m not going to say what – that a girlfriend once told me was kinky. When I pay a hooker, I’m not worried about what I ask for. Nothing shocks them.”
One man said that he’d never had better oral sex in his life than with a prostitute. There are more requests from prostitutes for oral sex than any other sexual activity.
4. They want to find the quickest route to having sex
“Getting a prostitute is so easy; no strings attached, you can choose the woman you want before you purchase, then they arrive at your door. Couldn’t be easier.
5. They Want to Avoid Complications
“We want to have sex without all the bullshit of pretending to be really interested in a girl. When you pay for sex, you don’t have to swap numbers at the end when you know you won’t call. You pay, have sex, she leaves. Everyone’s happy.
Sorry boys, but in my book it’s still cheating. Given the very real lack of male sex workers servicing female clientele, this just goes to show again, just how differently men and women think about sex and relationships. But then, we probably already knew that didn’t we?
You missed the reason they may not admit: they see women as commodities to be bought and sold, not as equal humans.