Teacher Fears She May Lose Her Job if She Continues as Bridesmaid in Bizarrely Themed Wedding

Teacher Fears She May Lose Her Job if She Continues as Bridesmaid in Bizarrely Themed Wedding
When your friends get married, sometimes you may be asked to be part of their wedding party. For most people, it is a great honour to be asked to take on this role, for others it can be the start of a nightmare! For one person, it started as an honour, but is quickly turning into (excuse my French) a shitshow. Not only has the vibe of the wedding changed completely, but the financial responsibility the bride expect the bridesmaids to take on has become nothing short of excessive.
The bridesmaid in question, let’s call her Kate, took to Reddit recently to find out what any other sane person out there would do in her position. With a list of financial responsibilities longer than the dictionary, Kate would be up for over $2,000 USD if she continues in her role as a bridesmaid. Whilst their initial understanding was that there would be the usual responsibilities expected of her such as helping to plan the wedding, bridal shower, and bachelorette party the expectation was that there would only be a small financial burden to help her friend on her special day.
However, as it turns out, the bride her bridesmaids to contribute a significant amount of money towards the big day and celebrations leading up to it. Each bridesmaid is expected to:
- Pay for their bridesmaid’s dress (around $500)
- Pay for a part of the bridesmaid out-of-state wedding trip ($675 + food + missed wages)
- Host an event for the wedding (in excess of $500) Apparently, each bridesmaid is expected to pay for and host 1 of the following events: bachelorette party, honeydew (no idea what that is), stock the bar, bridal shower, etc.
But let’s be clear – that wasn’t the whole list! There was a whole lot more and all of it was just as crazy as the last thing, we’re wondering how it ONLY added up to $2,000+. We believe that the financial responsibilities alone are reason enough to back out from participating in a wedding, especially considering $2,000 USD converts to approximately $3,000 AUD. It’s also important to note that the $2,000 USD mark was the bare minimum in estimated costs for Kate alone, let alone the other 4 bridesmaids, as well. And, yes, the out-of-state trip and the bachelorette party were two separate occasions!
But, that’s not Kate’s only reason for wanting to pull of out Bridezilla’s wedding.
Now onto the worst part, not only is there the financial responsibility, but, in the true American spirit of things, they’ve taken a new wedding theme to a whole new (American) level. “Shots, shots and vows”. A wedding that is completely centred around alcohol, guns and exchanging vows? What could possibly go wrong?!
In her post Kate gave us some insight into how the bride and groom intended to incorporate the questionable theme into the big day.
- The bridesmaid photos will be taken with the bridesmaids taking shots
(ick, take some normal ones as well, please)
- The groomsmen photos will be taken with them groomsmen holding guns
(bigger ick, just stick to the alcohol, please)
- During the ceremony, when the celebrant asks if anyone objects, the groomsmen will pull out their guns as a jokingly “threatening” way
(THE BIGGEST ICK!! This is honestly so scary, I wouldn’t want to attend, let alone be a bridesmaid!)
- When the wedding parties enter the reception, they’re expected to run down the aisle, taking as many shots as they can
(so they’re getting drunk before the reception and the speeches… okay. Better than the guns, though!)
After bringing this to readers attentions, Kate noted that as she works in the public school system, she is always very cautious of everything she posts online, knowing that something inappropriate could cost her her career. It sounds like Kate wants to find out the best way to back out from being in the wedding, but doesn’t know how to back out without losing her friend.
Unsurprisingly, commenters were quick to advise Kate to get out while she can.
It’s not even about been tacky. An event we’re heavy drinking is encouraged while half the attendees will be carrying guns is a news report waiting to happen. I wouldn’t attend even as a guest. – noblestromana
This wedding sounds tacky as hell. I wouldn’t even touch it with a ten foot pole and attend as a guest, let alone be in the wedding party. OP’s concerns are very valid that not only her finances will take a hit, but there’s also a very real chance of social and career repercussions. – DryEquivalent9
Typically not a fan of judging teachers for their personal life but if a picture of a kid I had’s teacher showed up at a wedding like this, I would def be raising some concerns. – secretheairs
I intentionally do not seek out my child’s teachers on social media because I don’t think their personal lives are my business. But this would 100% cause a massive shit storm where I live and I can’t say I would want someone who chose to stand up in this wedding teaching my child. The lack of judgement would be a massive red flag imo – Rare-Finding2465
I wouldn’t be in the party but I would ABSOLUTELY attend what is sure to be a total train wreck because I LIVE for drama 😂 there’s bound to be multiple hysterical stories I could tell years later – Rex_Maximus_97
well, that sounds like one of the stupidest weddings ever, and the expectations are outright ludicrous. I think your $2000 estimate is on the low side. Get out of it now! just say you are not able to fulfil all the obligations (your reasons are none of her business). – mishadog22
If OP set up a livestream pay-per-view she could probably make back the 2k. – RememberKoomValley
We’re glad we live in Australia where we don’t need to worry about “shots, shots and vows”, we only have to worry about “shots and vows”. Thanks, gun laws for keeping us safe(r)! If I was in Kate’s position, I would definitely back out of the wedding and be torn between attending to see the train wreck crash, but also not want to attend because I value my safety.
What would you do in Kate’s position?