10 Things Not To Do To Your Beauty Therapist

10 Things Not To Do To Your Beauty Therapist
I can NOT survive without my beauty therapist. She is in charge of my skin, my brows, my lashes and any errant hair on my body. She has seen literally every single inch of me at one time or another and knows everything about my personal life. In fact, she could probably blackmail me and all her other clients if she were ever short of a dollar.
I don’t think beauty therapists get the respect that they absolutely deserve and recently I was having a lovely chat with mine and we got to talking about some of her pet peeves. Well…there were a LOT! Having already shared with you the 10 Things Not to do to Your Hairdresser it seemed only fitting that we also discuss what torture not to inflict on your beauty therapist.
Be warned, some of these are pretty gross.
- Do Not Come to your Brazilian Wax Session With a Smelly Box
My poor therapist has had women arrive for a Brazilian after horse riding, bike riding and gym sessions. And even if you haven’t been exercising; 8-10 hours in some tight nylon undies and stockings can also put your bits on the nose. Ladies; the therapists leave those wet wipes out for a reason. Use them. Use as many as you like, it will be appreciated.
2. Be Wary of Waxing While on Your Period
Being waxed anywhere while on your period is more painful than the rest of the month and best avoided but we can’t always time things the way we would like. Most therapists could care less if you are on your period…so long as that string is safely tucked away so no mishaps occur. True story; she once waxed a lady who didn’t give her the heads-up she had her period, didn’t notice the string – it got caught up in the wax, ripped out of her body and flung across the room to their shared horror. She also had to turn away a very embarrassed teenager who wasn’t quite sure how to insert a tampon and had it half hanging out, covered in blood.
3. Do Not Arrive for a Brazilian Just After Sex
This shouldn’t even really need to be said, should it? But it’s happened to her. Not only has she had clients giggle and tell her about the sex they’ve just had; she gets to see the remnants dribble out too. No. Just NO.
4. Do Not Book for One Treatment and Expect Seven
“I cannot tell you how many women do this. They book in for an eyebrow wax and tint and then they decide that they really need to have their upper lip, chin, cheeks and underarms done too.” Ummm, no.
5. Please Don’t Let Your Kids Misbehave
My therapist has no issue with clients bringing their children providing they sit quietly in the corner with an iPad or a book or whatever but she has had clients’ children run in and out of the rooms, slamming doors, grabbing equipment and raising holy hell while mum lies there doing NOTHING. Not on.
6. Do Not Disturb
Please turn your mobiles to silent while you’re in a beauty salon. You might be there for a leg wax but there could be other clients there enjoying a relaxing facial or massage and your rap ring tone playing over and over in your handbag that you can’t reach is disturbing their down-time.
7. Don’t Wait Until your Manicure is Nearly Over to Change Your Mind
Some clients decide that it’s a good idea to wait until oh, the last coat of top coat polish is on before saying, “ya know, I really don’t like this colour – can we start again”?!
8. Wanting a Colour on Your Toes?
If you want your toes painted without actually having a pedicure (which of course involves a nice soak in warm, bubbly water), then wash your feet first!!!!!! No one wants to touch your feet when they’ve been in sweaty shoes all day. And it should go without saying but do NOT turn up with a fungal foot infection. Puh-leaseee.
9. Do Not Assume They are Stupid
Apparently this is extremely common throughout the industry. Clients assume that being a beauty therapist “was the best you could do”. The amount of comments she has copped advising her to go back to school to make something better of herself makes her want to scream. She DID go to school and is an expert on most of our bits and how to treat them!
10. Do Not Have Unrealistic Expectations for your Makeup
Some women come in with a photo of a glamorous celebrity and expect to look just like them which will never happen because they don’t have the same FACE. She has had instances where she’s gently advised clients to tone things down a little. Advice which they have ignored. And then when she gives them what they ask for, they hate it and she has to start over!
Are you a beauty therapist? Do you have things that drive YOU crazy about your clients?