How Changing Your Washing Powder Can Help Save the Environment!

How Changing Your Washing Powder Can Help Save the Environment!
Its World Environment Day today!
I have promised my children that every week we will take one step more toward helping decrease our environmental footprint.
I think that I hit the jackpot here though!
I have made the switch to Dominant products and if I introduce one product per week I am on a winner!
Disclosure: I was gifted Dominant Home Care products for the purpose of an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.
First of all my products are made in Australia so that cuts down not only the amount of travel that my product has undertaken but I know that it fits all Australian standards!
The products come in BULK so there is very little packaging and the refillable bottles will keep on keeping on! The tubs when they are empty will go into the shed as they make very handy buckets for painting!
It was delivered!
So, although a lorry went around delivering it all it meant that I didn’t have to take out my car and drive anywhere for a tub of stain soaker!
It also meant that I didn’t use any plastic bags or buy unnecessary items just because I saw them at the shops, win, win.
The products were delivered in a cardboard box with no printing so although that is 100% recyclable it will have to wait until it is no longer needed as a dolls house..
They are Earth Care products! No phosphates or formaldehyde! They are septic safe and grey water safe (look for the symbol on the packaging).
So I can divert my grey water on to the garden and know that the grass will flourish!
Think of all the water I will save! And that means saving $$ too!
Dominant is cruelty free, not tested on animals (if you don’t count the teenagers who think that its cruel having to actually fold the laundry, but as yet there is no product for that). So that is a big tick for me and the environment.
Many of the products are multi-purpose so that means I need less! I don’t need to buy a product for every individual job.
The Hapi Cloths are fantastic and go right into the washing machine after use so I will no longer need several new disposable cloths every day like I am currently so that alone will save me $22 a week!
That is just an overview of the general product!
I will let you know how I go with the laundry powders later in the week!